The Starter Kit

The Starter Kit is like a pre-packed hockey bag; it is full of essential resources for people looking for foundational resources to help grow the game. If you feel overwhelmed or don’t know where to start looking for anti-racism resources, you’ve come to the right place!

Resources that you can find in the Starter kit include:

  • Key terms and definitions related to racism
  • Videos and educational resources on racism, unconscious bias and its impact on sports
  • Animated videos that reflect the impacts of racial discrimination on players, fans, and the community


Roots of our Game: Connecting with the Past to Imagine the Future of Hockey

Ressources en Français

Roots of our game: Se connecter avec le passé pour imaginer l’avenir du hockey


Want to learn more?

Now that you’ve got your starter kit, you’re ready to expand your knowledge even further. Head to the Resource Rink to keep learning!